Training and Mentoring



The leadership team of MENA WEF has a great deal of experience providing short-term training and professional development programs for women and young people in the MENA region. Almost all previous projects have involved training components that were well received by participants and sponsors. Jumana Judeh has developed and delivered short courses on leadership development, negotiating skills and networking, while Nabelah Ghareeb has led team building workshops and has also designed and delivered courses on entrepreneurship, including business planning, and social entrepreneurship.

MENA WEF believes strongly in mentoring young women as they develop and advance in their careers. MENA WEF members offer one-on-one virtual mentoring sessions upon request, matching those who request mentoring with a member who is the closest fit. MENA WEF has also provided training to mentors both in the US and in the MENA region.


Below are a few examples of the training programs offered.

*Note that all training modules can be tailored to meet the needs of the clients or program participants

Leadership Development

This module takes participants through an interactive, experiential process of defining leadership, a personal vision of success, targeted best practices, best self-strengths and opportunities for growth and action planning. Participants should leave this module with increased awareness of their leadership purpose and a proactive development plan based on tools learned in the training.    


This module addresses high performing team best practices with an emphasis on navigating and leveraging diversity in culture. Exercises will focus on managing unconscious bias, approaching differences with curiosity and empathy and exploring how to reach common ground. This module will promote and teach methods to create high quality connections, which support team success.

 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This module focuses on the entrepreneurial process; opportunity identification via problem recognition and trend spotting. It will also present the entrepreneurial lifecycle.

Participants will learn how to spot opportunity the basis by which almost all entrepreneurial companies are started globally. Specific skills gained include communication and language (via market research), problem identification and empathy development, and team building.

 Design Thinking

This module focuses on key strategies used in processes of design, including opportunity discovery, gathering data from users and other stakeholders, and creating innovative solutions during concept generation, that increase the likelihood of successful problem-solving outcomes. 

 Business Model Canvas

This module explores the components of a good business from customers to value proposition, costs and how to make money.  A major component of the BMC is customer discovery, communicating with customers to develop empathy and to discover their needs and how to satisfy those needs, developing a sustainable enterprise in the process.


MENA WEF believes strongly in mentoring young women as they develop and advance in their careers. MENA WEF members offer one-on-one virtual mentoring sessions upon request, matching those who request mentoring with a member who is the closest fit. MENA WEF has also provided training to mentors both in the US and in the MENA region. 

Mentoring, counseling and coaching are increasingly utilized globally and across many different industries to help students, employees, managers and executives achieve goals in personal, career and organizational achievement. MENA WEF provides training modules that examine the mindset and skills of listening and asking, affirming, and addressing corrective developmental growth with relationship building and supportive communication as the building blocks of creating positive culture and performance. Mentoring and coaching tools can be particularly effective and empowering skill sets for leaders and mentors. Note: These sessions include the opportunities for the mentors to meet one-on-one with a coach or mentor to work on their own leadership development goals. The coach will lead participants through a process of identifying personal professional strengths and areas for growth as well as best practice steps toward achieving their goals.